Yvwiiusdinvnohii was created to celebrate, explore and share Native American culture. Our goal is to educate our readers and hopefully provide them with a greater understanding of the Native way of living. Each tribe has its own language, culture and traditions, which makes the Native community so rich and diverse. We celebrate this diversity by sharing stories, history and teachings.
Native cultures teach that humans are responsible for taking care of Mother Earth. In return for her care, she asks for nothing but appreciation. In the times we live in, people from all walks of life need to hear and understand these teachings.
From ceremonies to rituals and ways of living, Yvwiiusdinvnohii educates readers on the Native way of life and how to best care for Mother Earth.
museum exhibition
Keeping the beliefs and traditions of the Native culture is of the utmost importance. After centuries of persecution, the Native community is experiencing a renaissance. Now it is more important than ever to preserve Native American culture, languages and traditions.
Native cultures are as diverse as nature herself, and we celebrate that diversity by exploring different tribes, their beliefs and their ways of doing things. We encourage our readers to share any information, stories or teachings with us, so we may continue our mission.
With the help of the community, Yvwiiusdinvnohii can help preserve Native teachings and culture for future generations to come. But we need your help and participation. Please feel free to share the information on our site with your friends, family and anyone who may be interested in Native American culture.
Join us in our quest to keep Native culture and traditions alive. From elder teachings, to details on dances and ceremonies, our posts are as diverse as the tribes that make up the Native community.